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Corporate Compliance

The Center is committed to conducting all of its activities in compliance with all federal and state laws and laws governing the health care industry. The Center expects all employees, contractors, and consultants to conduct themselves in an ethical manner consistent with the regulations developed by the Federal Office of the Inspector General. Our compliance program endeavors to take practical steps to prevent and ideally eliminate fraud and abuse in our Centers.

The purpose of the Center’s Compliance Programs is to proactively identify and correct possible issues of fraud and abuse. Further, our employees are expected to make a commitment to ethical and legal standards for patient care, confidentiality, billing practices, conflicts of interest, use of property, and vendor relationships. This includes complying with federal, state, and insurance regulations, using high moral and ethical standards in our interactions with others, conducting our work according to our written policies, and creating an environment where our behavior and services reflect our commitment to our customers.

Reporting Non-compliance:

To report a potential non-compliance issue regarding the Center, the following reporting options are provided to you separate from reporting the issue to any member of the Center’s management team in order to assure you complete confidentiality.

To report a concern via Red Flag Reporting:

Via phone at:  1-877-647-3335


Online at: www.redflagreporting.com

On the site select “File a Report” with Client Code:  Ascentria

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